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A situation like this one is an example of what Sperry called the controlled chaos of working in the emergency department. The man - a double amputee in cardiac arrest - was wheeled past us and into a room, surrounded at times by nearly a dozen health care workers.

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SUMMERS: We saw a priority one patient, meaning someone in serious critical condition. UNIDENTIFIED ANNOUNCER: Priority one patient to room nine - ETA now. SUMMERS: She and her colleagues recently walked us through the emergency department to explain how emergency care has changed - in some ways for the better and, in many ways, irreversibly. UNIDENTIFIED DISPATCHER: Patient is coming from a rehab facility. SUMMERS: Sperry is the director of Emergency Services and Emergency Management at the University of Maryland, Baltimore Washington Medical Center. I had the privilege of being with patients in their dying moments when families couldn't be here. SUMMERS: That mission has stuck with Carol Ann Sperry, who's been a nurse for more than four decades.ĬAROL ANN SPERRY: While a lot of people were frightened away by COVID and during all those changes, it reminded me why I do what I do. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #1: So we don't have a fresh bed? MARIA VAN KERKHOVE: We can't forget the images of the hospitals filled to capacity, the images of our loved ones who died, with health care workers who ensured that they didn't die alone. While much of the world seems to be moving on, last week, World Health Organization epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove made a plea.

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This month marks the end of both federal and global public health emergencies sparked by COVID-19.

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